Apprenticeship: Business Administration Level 3
- Job title: ChARM Administrator
- Department: Department of Psychiatry/Clinical School of Medicine
- Training provider: Cambridge Regional College
Why did you choose an apprenticeship?
I wanted to learn and expand my skills, but gain experience within the workplace also. My apprenticeship meant I could do this, and I could implement my new skills in my work and learnt whilst working in a work environment, which in my opinion is very valuable.
What was your experience of the apprenticeship and training provider?
I had a great experience of my apprenticeship, and I cannot give my training provider enough credit for the amount of support and guidance they provided. The organisation and department have also been a huge help with my apprenticeship, of whom I cannot thank enough.
What went well?
I was able to maintain my 20% apprentice time throughout my course, as well as complete the course ahead of schedule due to the amount of support from all parties. Furthermore, when implementing what I had learnt in my workload, I was able to adapt these methods and knowledge to suit my specific role and organisation.
What did you learn?
I have learnt project management skills, as well as many financial skills and knowledge on processes. Moreover, my apprenticeship allowed me to further expand on my communication, time-management and organisation skills so that I can better myself and my productivity within my role.
What next?
I will be staying on within my role as the (ChARM) administrator within the research group I assist, as well as assist with the Head of Department’s diary and administrative needs.