Apprenticeship: Associate Project Management Level 4
Job title: Open Research Administrator (Since completing the apprenticeship I have changed roles. I am now a Project Manager at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership)
Department: Office of Scholarly Communication, Cambridge University Libraries
Training provider: Provek
Why did you choose an apprenticeship?
As part of my regular 1:1 with my line manager, she raised to possibility of me doing an apprenticeship or similar PPD programme as a way to enhance my career progression opportunities. I was on a fixed term contract and felt that anything I could do to help make me more ‘employable’ on a permanent basis must be worth doing. Project management is such a transferable skill and seemed to incorporate many of the roles I have had in the past so seemed like the best fit.
What was your experience of the apprenticeship and training provider?
I received from the training provider and my line manager really helped me establish a good study pattern to ensure I could complete one thing at a time, slowly but surely ticking things off the list and getting through the work. The work was paced and at the right level for me, which helped ensure I didn’t feel out of my depth and when ever an issue or question arose, I knew I could contact the training provider for additional support.
What went well?
The group of apprentices going through the course at the same time were very supportive of each other and helped cheer people on if they were struggling which created a lovely, supportive hub of people. I was also able to use previous experience as evidence for the assignments, which was hugely helpful.
What did you learn?
I have learnt that I am absolutely capable of passing an exam, many years after I last sat one! I have also learnt that, although I had some relevant knowledge and skills in project management, there was much more to learn in this area and I hope to continue that learning as I progress my career.
What next?
I have recently been offered a project management role in another department of the University which I would not have applied for had it not been for gaining this qualification.
"This has been a genuinely rewarding experience which has opened up a new career path with multiple opportunities. I would recommend for anyone to say yes to opportunities like these. Even if it seems like a huge mountain to climb at the beginning, take it step by step and you’ll get there, one assignment at a time "