Following changes to the way apprenticeships are funded nationally, the University is now required to pay into an apprenticeship levy on a monthly basis. Levy funds can be used to offer fantastic development opportunities for existing University staff. An apprenticeship will lead to you mastering new skills or higher level skills that are required for your job. Staff of any age or grade can gain additional professional qualifications that support the role they are performing.
- There are apprenticeships for staff at all levels – from those who left school at 16 right up to postgraduate level
- Staff keep their current salary and terms and conditions
- Staff are issued with an Apprenticeship Agreement Letter setting out the terms of their apprenticeship
- There are no age limits
- Apprenticeship training is fully funded via the apprenticeship levy, with no cost to departments
- A wide range of occupations are covered
What are the commitments?
Apprenticeships are development opportunities that require commitments from both the individual doing the apprenticeship and their manager. The following are requirements:
- Apprenticeships last for at least a year
- The individual and manager commit to a minimum of 6 hours per week for the off-the-job training and development (20% for those on part-time hours)
- The role must support the apprenticeship training – so that you can get the on-the-job experience needed to support your learning
Next steps
You should discuss with your line manager whether an apprenticeship is the best way to support your development needs or if an alternative training intervention would be more appropriate.
You can undertake an apprenticeship at the same or lower level than a qualification you already hold, if the apprenticeship will allow you to acquire substantive new skills and you can evidence that the training is materially different from any prior qualification or a previous apprenticeship.
Interested? view our Quick Guide for Apprentices join our Viva Engage page our or contact the Apprenticeship Team.